Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Book Review of Deadly Deception by Andrea Johnson Beck

THIS REVIEW CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS -none will hinder your reading experience and are alluded to in the synopsis
3 STARS out of 5
Genre: Romantic Thriller/Suspense

Her final memory of Carter floated around her, replaying like a syndicated sitcom.
“Please stay with me, Carter.” Anne stood in the threshold of Carter’s bedroom while he continued to pack his navy blue camping sack.
“It’s only for three nights. You worry too much.”
“I have a bad feeling about this.”

It's been three years since the death of her boyfriend Carter Leeds and Anne still struggles with it. Now engaged to wed a very well respected attorney, Adam Whitney, Anne wants nothing more than to be free of her demons. And in order to be free Anne has to fight for it. Literally.

Anne Jamison is a neuropsychologist working and sharing a Minneapolis office with her best friend Casey. And it is while she is at her office when an envelope addressed to her is left containing pictures taken of Carter on the day he died. Frozen in place it takes Anne a minute to get herself together and ask her assistant who delivered the envelope. Of course the assistant has no clue as to who did...

Carters death had always been surrounded by so many unanswered questions. And now Anne has more questions.. Like, who is the mystery guy in the photo? 
Who wanted her to have the photos? 

And more importantly

'Why now? Three years have passed so why would anyone want me to have these photos?' -Inner monologue of Anne

As questions are answered Anne is stunned by the information she learns.

“I just couldn’t stay away from you any longer. There’s so much I want to say, so much I want to tell you. Once I heard you were engaged to Adam I couldn’t…” -Carter

Carter being alive is just the tip of the iceberg. Anne begins to question everything. 

“You can’t marry him, Anneliese. You don’t know him like I do,” Carter begged.
“What does that mean? How do you even know Adam?” 

According to Carter, Adam cannot be trusted and her life is in danger.

But how honest is Carter can she trust him after his own death proved to be false? Anne decides to search for answers from Adam.

“You quickly forget that I’m the psychologist. I take pleasure in the mind games.” 
He stood up, loosening his navy tie and rolling the sleeves of his crisp snowy shirt. He crossed the room to the rustic bar.
“How quickly you forget, I’m the lawyer. I take pleasure in arguing my way out of tight situations.” 

Who is Adam Whitney?
-Is he the sexy well accomplished attorney she plans to marry.
-Is it possible he could be a killer?
-What was Adam's role in Carter's disappearance?

And who is telling the truth Carter or Adam?

Twist after twist lead to a shocking conclusion when Deceit, lust and lies leave a web of Deadly Deception. 

Honestly I thought the author had a great concept; I just failed to connect with the main character. I did not get to know Anne well enough to feel empathy for her. The love and connection she and Carter or Adam was supposed to have. The connection for the two leading men never really came across on the pages for me personally I wanted more.
In my humble opinion I think if the book had a good 50 more pages I would have been able to connect better. Even if it was with a few more flashbacks to before Carter died to gauge the depth of love the two shared. I don't know... I just felt like I needed more...

Dear readers
I gave this book 3 stars simply because I failed to connect with the main character. Plus I felt all of the characters lacked the depth and intensity I look for in (throws hands up and makes air quotes)Thrillers. I thought Anne's patient, the ten year old girl... Yeah, the girl, she made for a more intriguing storyline. Heck at one point I wanted to know more about the girl/patient and her mother. 

Bottom line -If you have a half crazy character with a whole personality they've never displayed before I would like to know why. Or at least where it stemmed from...give me something.

My Ratings
Characters- likeable
Writing Style- Fair
Plot/Storyline- I felt like something was missing I wanted more
Steam Factor- Low/light -on simmer but still sexy
Overall- Not my cup of tea

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it!

*Copy kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

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